So I sit here after the kids go to bed and play on Pinterest, I am realizing I could be blogging about herbalism and all the advantages it beholds. So I am going to start off with what could help a cold and boost your immune system in the winter. Easy things to do with items most kitchens have.
First tonight Garlic Honey. Honey is a powerful healer!! It can help sore throats, colds, flu, lung congestions, and sinus ailments.
First, take a small pint size jar add a few unpeeled garlic cloves (make sure there is no mold on them), pour honey over the top poke garlic down into honey and put on lid. Garlic will float to top its okay... It is ready almost immediately but I would let it sit overnight to get some more medicinal properties extracted by the garlic or even a few days.
As it ages, both the honey and the garlic will darken. I leave garlic in and add more honey when it starts to get low.
You can take 1-4 teaspoons a day depending on age and how bad a cough/sore throat is. You your best judgement. You can also stir in tea. You really can't taste more than a hint of garlic.
As with all honey, do not give to children less than one year old.
It’s impossible to talk about the magic of the honey bees without acknowledging the difficulty they are currently having. To help support the honey bees:
- Plant flowers that bees love!
- Support organic farming by buying and growing local organic foods, as pesticides are one of the major factors in the bees’ plight.
Soon I will post another great remedy for the winter months!